The Jelly Tots debate at Christmas along with a good game of Monopoly and watching The Holiday is a family tradition and quite possibly a glass of gin or three. If, you are not a Jelly Tots aficionado I can just hear you say "what on earth is a Jelly Tots debate?"
....it really is a game changer! "do you bite the head or toes off first or, do you eat the whole tot?"
Having said all that, i'm not quite sure why our beautiful family friend and PR extraordinaire Louisa Warde named her PR & Marketing Company Gin & Jelly Tots PR. It may, have possibly been the result of far too many Jelly Tots with friends after supper one evening but, Lou has certainly got her head from her toes just right with the launch of the fabulous G&J The Edit.
The Edit is an online magazine created by Louisa from Gin & Jelly Tots Pr with Mary-Jayne from Greenhalgh PR to offer every day relatable content promoting awareness, discussions and womankind. Talking about fashion trends, interiors trends, gardening, cooking, travel, family, health and of course Dogs all from the perspective of a balanced view rather than the uber luxury we are normally drip fed and far from realistic budgets.
They Interviews real People from every background that adds relevance to their stories, they work hard to bring to us happy news but relative news and if you have a story, they certainly would love to hear it. The backbone to their success is from years of working in PR and Marketing, these lovely creative ladies certainly know what they are doing when it comes to hitting the right editors desk.
They also have a vision to create subscribers with like minded people all over the UK for small businesses just like Hugo & Otto and Dog Company to reach audiences with their brand and spread the good news about British Made, British Grown. Without small business Britain there will never be a future tribe of new businesses, jobs with hopes and dreams for our children never to realise.
Reaching audiences is increasingly difficult and expensive for small businesses, especially if you are not quite sure which direction and marketing area you need to invest in. Cash flow is King in any business but if you throw it all at marketing with no guarantees on audience that is natural and organic to your brand, in tune with your ethos then very quickly the cash becomes a negative entity.
Google ad click, understanding SEO for organic searches, fighting to reach an audience against the tide of bigger competitor marketing spends who have gained market share by external funding is really super tough, it is beyond stressful. Especially, if like me you are time poor and the understanding of data, SEO and the mechanics of Google data analytics is just well, a little too much, listen I wasn't born with an i phone in my hand, my first job was working for an international Bank with telex machines and miles of ticket tape coming out the end of a computer the size of a ship! Personally, it has taken me nearly 8 years to understand Instagram and then look what happened this year, Instagram algorithms changed too! Seriously, add menopause to the mix some fairly aggressive competitors and I reach for the Gin and pass on the Jelly Tots to my doggos!
I embrace this team, for their beautiful, organic, empowering way of communication, it is a far more natural, engaging and interesting reach to the reader and quite possibly your future customer.
Louisa Warde & Mary-Jayne Greenhalgh
Instagram: @gandjmag G & J The Edit
Q&A - With Louisa Warde, Lover of words
"G&J The Edit Magazine came about over coffee and chats between a like-minded group of very special and very talented individuals. Having spent many years in the media, where there’s always an angle, we wanted to create something that we believed in, with the people that we believe in.
We can’t tell you that we won’t get things wrong sometimes. But our vision is to share things that are of interest to us, that we believe in and that are authentic.
We believe in being real, not perfect.
Some of us are colleagues, some of us are friends and some of us are just getting to know each other. With a wide range of life experiences, we love what we do, and we do it with passion."
The collaboration for The Edit has gathered together a team of like minded busy business mums to create The Gin & Jelly Tots Edit. Content is planned in advance and created for The Edit and supporting social media. Wordsmith warriors, marketing consultants, content creators, jam makers, Personal Fitness guru's, gardeners, mums and, menopausal dog mad ladies (that would be me !) uplift and empower each other with one thing in common and, yes you guessed it GIN & very definitively Jelly Tots1
....oh, if you got this far and wondered what my answer would be? it just has to be the Jelly Tot head first!"
Caroline xx
Mamam to a 23 year old, Dog mamam to 4 beautiful doggos, Menopausal Dog Mad Lady (I really do not mind talking about menopause it IS real!) Interior Designer, Founder of Hugo & Otto & Dog Company and all round good egg.
Do Head on over to join in the Gin & Jelly Tot Debate, you are in danger of absolutely loving it!
Contact: Louisa Warde, Gin & Jelly Tots PR
Email: louisacastlefreelance@gmail.com
Contact: Mary-Jayne Greenhalgh, Greenhalgh PR
Website: Greenhalgh PR
Email: info@greenhalghpr.co.uk