The hound breed whether they are sight hounds or scent hounds all have one thing in common, they do love to lounge.
Understanding the natural instincts of your dog breed will help you to understand how best to offer them the best start in life at home. I fell head over heals for Tilly a little tiny Miniature Wire Haired Dachshund that I met about 15 years ago, as a lover of The Working Dog & The Gun dog breed group this was a major change for me especially the size of them as they are so tiny.
The miniature wire haired dachshund was quite rare back then and so I researched the breed as best I could for some time until a few years later I finally contacted one of the most respected breeders of Wire Haired Dachshund in 2012. It was a year later that we welcomed hone my beloved Finbar MacBrigadoon, his Scottish character was comical and he was my shadow. He really didn't give a paw if I had been waiting outside a bush for ages, he had very important sniff business going on looking for that ever increasing fur ball. He was a huge character and boy did he know it.
His dachshund character was not unique to him, it is exactly how and who they are, stubborn, focused on one thing only once off in a field they will forget their name, they are busy following scent trails and will go to underground if you are not super careful. The sight hound like the Greyhounds, Borzoi's etc are constantly searching the horizon, when something looks to them like it could be very interesting zoom, pow, wow, they are off as fast as the wind. If you are confident they will return and their recall is excellent watching this stunning dog breed group is the most wonderful sight. It must be the best feeling in the world to run as free as a bird run across a field doing exactly what they dream of every night.
What of hound breed at home and what dog beds are really the best to invest in to help them settle?
Actually, they are a dream to share your life with a happy lounging sleepy hound and quite the opposite to being outside. They love to snuggle all day following the sun spots around your home, burying their heads and bodies into layers of cosy blankets. Burrowing inside dark layers not only keeps their paws warm but, mimics their natural instinct of searching inside dark spaces, their hunting instinct.They are often tucked under a sofa cushion and blanket happily snoozing away and so, it's always a good idea to check the cushions before sitting down or you will have a squished hound!.
Matterhorn Donut Dog Bed - Atlantic Blue Velvet with Pearl White Faux Fur
The best dog beds for hounds are enveloping dog beds like the Donut Dog Bed naturally ergonomic and cocooning the round shape is a perfect natural womb shape to curl up within. And, the Snuggle Dog Beds that offer dark, cosy and warm layers to burrow within.
Finbar MacBrigadoon, a very happy snoozy boy in his Snuggle Dog Bed
The Snuggle Dog Bed, know also as the Cave Dog Bed, Burrow Bed, Hot Pockets, or Sleeping Bag Dog Bed, they have been given so many names that customers have no idea where to start looking or searching for them which is confusing and frustrating.
The Snuggle Dog Bed is not a new unique dog bed that a particular competitor constantly and irrationally claim. They are not a new craze, nor a new type of dog bed they have been around for decades and our British dog bed makers have been making and selling them commercially since 2009. They are simply 2 pieces of warm fabrics sewn together rather than 2 loose blankets to burrow inside. They are dark, warm and cosy and they will happily snooze with their little snouts poking out of the cover for air for hours. If you add layers of faux fur or fleece for extra warmth then your little one would certainly feel all their dreams had come true in one very happy cosy bed.
In Memorandum: Finbar MacBrigadoon, 2013 - 2021
Miniature Wirehaired Dachshund, my beautiful boy
Hugo & Otto designers and makers of fine British dog beds and bedding.
Accredited by Made in Britain®